CVDPN, formerly known as the Coachella Valley Emergency Readiness Group (CVERG), was formed when the Interstate 10 North Corridor Association (INCA) was merged with the Desert Standardized Emergency Readiness Team (DSERT) on October 8, 2014. These grass roots organizations recognized the benefits of joining together to more effectively
reach Coachella Valley residents with disaster preparedness, survival and recovery information. Initially, CVERG was a partner and stakeholder with the Riverside County Emergency Management Department (EMD).
However, in 2017, facing severe county-wide budget cuts, the Riverside EMD could no longer provide the resources necessary for CVERG to fulfill its mission. Further, because of our association with EMD (a governmental agency), CVERG was unable to seek donations or tax-exempt support for
its operating costs.
After much consideration, the CVERG Board of Directors voted unanimously to form a non-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization to enable it to fulfill its mission. On August 9, 2017 the IRS granted our tax exemption 501(c)3 nonprofit status.
With the formal launching of an independent non-profit organization, the Board of Directors, with the support of Riverside County EMD, formally changed the name of CVERG, to the Coachella Valley Disaster
Preparedness Network (CVDPN).
Today, CVDPN has well-established networks and partnerships with city government, private businesses and non-profit organizations throughout the Coachella Valley and beyond. Our programs and distributed materials have assisted tens of thousands of Coachella Valley residents to become better prepared for future disasters.